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Design of Experiments
Design of Experiments

Create a Design of Experiments to explore a full parameter space by running many simulations at once.

Updated over 3 months ago

A Design of Experiments (DOE) will run a series of simulations with different values for defined input variables, calculating the values of specified output variables for each. This allows you to analyze the relationship between your input variables and output variables.

To set up a design of experiments:

  1. Then, select the completed simulation from the All Results table in the Results tab to open the results viewer page for that simulation.

  2. Click Setup Design of Experiments from the top right of the results viewer page.

  3. Choose an Exploration Policy, and add the Inputs and Outputs. Learn more about each of these in the subsections below.

  4. Click Run Design of Experiments. The number of simulations that will be run is shown in parentheses.

Warning: Currently, the settings for a DOE are taking from the setup tabs, not the selected simulation result. Errors in the setup tabs will also prevent a successful DOE run.

You will be taken to the All Results table in the Results tab. Click on the arrow to expand your DOE and view the simulations. Monitor progress here, or click on a simulation to see more details.

Exploration Policy

  • Full sweep explores all possible parameter value combinations.

  • Latin hypercube generates N values for each parameter, then randomly pairs these values to produce N exploration runs. Specify N in the Samples box.

  • Manual allows you to upload a CSV file of sample points to use as input values in your exploration. Learn more about assigning columns from your file to input variables below.

    • Headers for each input are optional. If you don't include headers, then a label is auto generated for each column.

    • Empty cells in your file will automatically use values from the Setup tab. For example, if you select Mach for the input parameter, then the mach value from your setup is used in the empty cells.

    • Your file can include scalar and vector values. Vector values must be assigned a column for each axis.

Example CSV

This file contains mach values and flow vectors, one column for each axis:



Click the + icon to create a new input variable, then set the following properties:

  • Variable Type: Choose from materials, boundary conditions, physics, reference frames, actuator disks, or Global.

  • Parameter: The values in this dropdown will change based on the variable type.

  • Type (Full Sweep and Latin hypercube exploration policies): Uniform Range requires a min and max value. Enumerated requires you to define the specific values you wish to evaluate.

  • Value (Manual exploration policy only): This is where you select which column of your uploaded CSV file to use as the value for each input.

Configure Inputs with a CSV File

Quickly configure your DOE by uploading a CSV file of sample points to use as input values in your exploration.

  1. Click on the Exploration section in your DOE.

  2. From the Exploration Policy dropdown, select Manual.

  3. Click Upload File and select your CSV from the file browser. When the file is uploaded, you'll see a preview of it in the dialog box.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Next to the Inputs section in your DOE, click the + icon to create a new variable.

  6. Choose a Variable Type and a Parameter.

  7. From the Value dropdown, choose which column of your CSV file to use.

In this example, we've uploaded a CSV with two columns: Pressure and Mach. For this input variable, we'll use the Pressure column.


This section contains any outputs already defined in your project. You can create additional outputs here to be used in the exploration. Click the + icon to create a new output.


Click the + icon to create new geometry to include in your exploration. Choose from a disk, monitor point, monitor plane, or far-field.

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