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Monitor a Simulation

Learn how to monitor status, convergence, and other data while your simulation is running.

Updated over a week ago

On the left of the 3D Viewer in a Simulation tab you will see the Run Status window and at the bottom you will see the Output Monitors charts. You can also monitor solution residuals and outputs as a simulation is running in the Outputs Summary.

Note: The simulation can be cancelled at any time by clicking the Cancel button in Run Status.

Run Status

While each simulation is running, the values in this panel will update in real time. Within this panel the following information will be shown:

  • Status is the overall summary of simulation progress, which can be any of the following:

    • Allocating: The required computing resources are being allocated.

    • Queued: The simulation is queued for batch processing.

    • Loading the job: The simulation files and data are being loaded into the computing resources.

    • Running: The simulation is in progress.

    • Suspended: The simulation stopped because it was canceled.

    • Finished: The simulation process has finished, but data is not yet ready for analysis.

    • Completed: The simulation has finished and data is ready for analysis. A warning symbol next to this indicates the simulation reached the maximum number of iterations before satisfying its stopping conditions. A green check indicates the stopping conditions were satisfied.

    • Error: The simulation failed.

  • Update: The date of the most recent update to the run status.

  • Run Time (s): The current total run time (also known as the “wall-clock time”).

  • Iter (steady sims) or Timesteps (transient sims): The current total number of iterations or time steps.

  • Credits: The number of Luminary Cloud credits used by the simulation. This will show once the simulation is finished running.

You can close this window once a simulation is complete by clicking the X in the upper corner. To reopen it, click on the icon at the top of the control panel.

Output Monitors

The Output Monitors panel sits directly below the 3D Viewer within each Simulation tab, and plots the convergence history of a simulation. Use the dropdown menu at the top left of this panel to choose to display Residuals or other simulation outputs, if configured.

For steady state solutions, the horizontal axis of the plots corresponds to the number of iterations. For transient cases, it corresponds to time steps. Small dotted vertical lines above the charts mark where intermediate solutions of the entire flow field were saved.

The longer vertical yellow line indicates which of these solutions is currently being displayed within the 3D Viewer itself. Additionally, above the plot, a box shows the iteration number of the currently selected solution.

You can move between saved solutions by clicking on the dotted lines, or by clicking the forwards and backwards arrows on the left of the box displaying the iteration number.

Hovering over the plot line will display values corresponding to intermediate iterations or time steps. You can also zoom in and out using the scroll wheel function on your mouse, and left-click and drag to pan the chart to the left or right.

Outputs Summary

The Outputs Summary shows the values of solution residuals as well as any other user-defined simulation outputs at the most recent iteration or time step while a simulation is running. Once a run has completed, it shows the final values of these.

To view the outputs summary, click on Outputs in the simulation control panel. You'll see the values below in the properties panel.

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