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General Settings

You can define high level solution settings in the General section of the control panel.

Updated over a week ago


From the Time dropdown you can choose between a Steady or Transient simulation.

If you choose Transient, additional options will show:

Time Marching

Specifies the scheme for time-accurate integration. Currently the only option is Time Implicit which requires you to set a Time Implicit Order of either First or Second.

Physical Time Step Method

Specifies the method for obtaining the physical time step in a time-accurate simulation. Currently, the only option for this is Fixed Time Step, which requires you to set the following:

  • Physical Time Step in seconds

  • Time Step Ramp allows different time steps to be used to establish the initial transient flow solution. This works by taking an initial value and linearly adjusting it towards the fixed time step. With this option turned on, you can set the initial time step value, the number of iterations after which the time step is updated, and the total number of iterations before the time step reaches its final fixed value.

Compute Statistics

Calculates mean values of pressure, temperature and velocity for your transient simulation at different time steps.

With this option turned on you will need to specify the Starting Time Iteration at which to begin calculating these statistics and the Update Interval at which you want subsequent statistics to be calculated.


Switching on Gravity requires you to specify a vector for the gravitational direction and magnitude.

Iterations Per Output

This defines the frequency at which a full solution will be saved and stored, other than the final iteration when stopping conditions are met and the simulation process stops. Iterations per output specifies the number of iterations between outputs for steady state cases and the number of time steps between outputs for transient cases.

These intermediate solutions can be helpful to understand how rapidly a simulation converges, as well as serving as restart points in the case where a simulation ultimately fails to converge. After a simulation has completed, and also while it is running, you can access these intermediate solutions using the Output Monitors panel below the 3D Viewer within the Simulation tab.

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