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Basic Controls

Learn the basic controls of the 3D Viewer.

Updated over a week ago

The toolbar at the bottom of the 3D Viewer is where you can zoom, rotate, switch between Perspective and Orthographic, and other actions.

Perspective will provide a sense of depth with parallel lines skewed towards a vanishing point while Orthographic will maintain parallel lines without a sense of depth.

The left side of the visualization toolbar at the top of the 3D Viewer is where you can switch between mesh and geometry views, toggle on the axes grid, and other actions.

Show/Hide Geometry

Toggle geometry on and off by clicking the eye icon next to the surface or volume in the Geometry panel. Alternatively, right clicking on a surface or volume directly in the 3D Viewer will open a menu where you can select Hide Surface.

Note: After uploading a CAD model or mesh into a new project, all of the surfaces and volumes will be shown by default (although some may be hidden behind others) in the Setup tab.

Ghost Mode 👻

Ghost Mode allows you to make selected surfaces transparent so you can see through your model without hiding surfaces.

Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewer and select Ghost Mode from the context menu. A panel will open on the right. Click on the surfaces you'd like to make transparent. Hover over a surface in the list and click the X to make the surface opaque again.

Exploded View

Use Exploded View to see all the surfaces of your model spread out and positioned to show how they all fit together when assembled.

Right-click anywhere in the 3D Viewer and select Exploded View from the context menu. Use the slider at the top of the screen to adjust how close or far the surfaces are from the center.


You can use the + and - buttons on the toolbar to zoom in and out, or scroll up/down using your mouse or trackpad.

Use the Zoom to Fit button to fit all visible surfaces within the 3D Viewer, or use the Zoom to Box button to draw a box and zoom to your selection (available in orthographic mode only).

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • +: Zoom in

  • -: Zoom out

  • F: Zoom to fit

Move Model

You can move your model across the screen by holding down your keyboard’s CTRL button, then clicking and dragging with the left mouse button.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Shift + w: Move model up

  • Shift + s: Move model down

  • Shift + a: Move model left

  • Shift + d: Move model right


You can rotate your model within the 3D Viewer by clicking and dragging the left mouse button.

Rotation is around a defined center that you can adjust by clicking the Set Center of Rotation button (or right-clicking and selecting from the context menu), then clicking on the desired location.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Shift + left arrow: Rotate camera counterclockwise

  • Shift + right arrow: Rotate camera clockwise

  • w: Rotate camera upwards

  • s: Rotate camera downwards

  • a: Rotate camera left

  • d: Rotate camera right


Take a screenshot of the current view by clicking the Screenshot icon . This will download a PNG to your computer.

To take a screenshot with a transparent background, hold CTRL (Command ⌘ on a Mac) and click on the Screenshot icon .

The exported image will not show the axes that appear in the bottom left of the 3D Viewer, or any color bar legends that appear on the right.

Note: If you expand or change the aspect ratio of the 3D Viewer panel (by minimizing other UI elements), this may alter the size and shape of the image downloaded. However, the minimum horizontal resolution of the exported file will be 2,000 pixels (if you are viewing the Luminary platform on a larger screen, you may end up with higher resolution).

Axes Grid

Click the Show Axes Grid icon on the left side of the visualization toolbar to toggle the display of a box with numbered x, y, and z axes around your model. This tool is useful when creating refinement regions, setting up frames for motion, adding actuator disks, creating visualization filters, and any other action that requires positioning an entity in the 3D Viewer.

Display Quantities

Change the quantities displayed in the 3D Viewer using the dropdown menus at the left of the visualization toolbar.

In the Setup tab, the first dropdown allows you to switch between showing the Geometry or the Mesh. In a Simulation tab, this first dropdown allows you to choose which flow quantity to display. If you choose a vector quantity such as Velocity or Wall Shear Stress, a second drop down menu will appear to its right where you can view the overall Magnitude or either one of the Cartesian components X, Y, or Z.

The second dropdown menu allows you to adjust how to display these (via Points, Surface, Surface with Edges, or Wireframe).

Note: Imported geometry will only display as a Surface until a mesh is generated.

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