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Copy Projects

You can copy any project you create or projects that are shared with you.

Updated over a week ago

You can make copies of any project you create or projects that are shared with you.

  1. On the Projects Summary page, hover over the project you want to copy.

  2. Click the three dots on the right.

  3. Select Make a Copy.

Alternatively, when you are inside of a project, click on the project name at the top of the page and select Make a Copy.

The copied project will appear at the top of the list. It will include any geometry, outputs, visualizations, simulations, and other entities that were created in the original project.

If you copy a shared project, you will be the owner of the copy and it will be private to you unless you choose to share it with other users.

Note: If you copy a project while a simulation or exploration is running, the copied version will not include those simulations.

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