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✨ Lumi Mesh Adaptation
✨ Lumi Mesh Adaptation

Use Lumi Mesh Adaptation (LMA) to generate an optimal mesh and solve for your solution in a single simulation.

Updated over a month ago

When generating a computational mesh, it’s common to start with a mesh based on best practices and prior experience, then modify the mesh to improve the solution in areas that are under-resolved for a particular simulation. This process is often manual and time consuming. Instead of manually adjusting the meshing parameters and regenerating, you can use Lumi Mesh Adaptation to automate the mesh iteration process, generate an optimal mesh, and solve for your solution in a single simulation.

Lumi Mesh Adaptation takes a base mesh as input then regenerates multiple meshes adapted to your solution until it reaches the specified Max Mesh Count.

This feature is available for steady-state, compressible or incompressible, RANS simulations on meshes generated in Luminary.


  • Uploaded mesh files can't be used with Lumi Mesh Adaptation.

  • You currently can't run a Lumi Mesh Adaptation simulation with transition modeling.

  • Multi-physics aren't supported.

Generate a Base Mesh

Lumi Mesh Adaptation will use a base mesh as input, then regenerate multiple meshes adapted to your solution until it reaches the specified Max Mesh Size. Any mesh you generate can be used as a base mesh.

  1. Create a new project and upload a CAD model.

  2. Click on the Mesh section in the control panel.

  3. In the properties panel, select Lumi Mesh Adaptation.

  4. Click Generate Minimal Mesh. You can also click Swap Mesh and select an existing mesh, if available.

When meshing is complete, you’ll see how many control volumes and points are in your mesh in the properties panel. If you’ve already generated meshes in a project, you can swap them out any time for use as the base mesh by clicking Swap Mesh.

Run Lumi Mesh Adaptation

After generating a base mesh, you can use Lumi Mesh Adaptation to run your simulation. Your mesh will be adapted to the solution within the Max Mesh Size and Adaptation Boundary Layer settings you specify.

Max Mesh Size determines the number of CVs in the final adapted mesh as well as how many times your geometry is remeshed. The number of remeshes is automatically determined by the difference in size between the base mesh and Max Mesh Size.

  1. Set up your simulation. Ensure all surfaces are assigned boundary conditions and your simulation settings are adjusted as desired.

  2. Click on the Mesh section in the control panel. Check that your desired base mesh is selected. If needed, click Swap Mesh to choose a different base mesh.

  3. Click Use in Lumi Adaptation. You'll be taken to the Lumi Mesh Adaptation settings in the Properties panel.

  4. Set the Max Mesh Count. At the top of the properties panel, you can see how many remeshes will occur. This value will update automatically when you change the Max Mesh Size. Click on Details to see more information.

  5. In the control panel under the Mesh section, click on Adaptation Boundary Layer and set your boundary layer settings. Learn more about boundary layer settings here.

  6. Click Run Adaptive Simulation at the top of the control panel.

You'll be taken to the simulation tab for this run. The Run Status window in the top left of the 3D Viewer will show when remeshing operations are happening and how many times Lumi Mesh Adaptation will remesh.

Automatic Boundary Layer Refinement

This is an early-access feature only available by request. If it is available, you will see the following toggle switch below Max Mesh Count.

The Automatic Boundary Layer option removes the need to manually specify prismatic boundary layer meshes, instead letting the Lumi Mesh Adaptation algorithm optimize the mesh in the vicinity of no-slip walls. If the Automatic Boundary Layer is toggled to the "ON" position, high aspect ratio mesh elements will be automatically inserted wherever a boundary layer is detected. The size of these mesh elements is optimized to best capture the velocity gradients that have been detected. Enabling Automatic Boundary Layer will disable all Adaptation Boundary Layer options.

Note: When using Automatic Boundary Layer, the resulting adapted boundary layer will not have prismatic cells. This is expected behavior as the cells are optimized to capture the velocity gradients.

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